What?s InnoDB? Why has it been selected as the standard MySQL storage engine?
InnoDB is a popular storage engine for the MySQL RDBMS. It’s an alternative to the default engine – MyISAM, and it has lots of pluses that have made it the preferred engine for a lot of open-source script-based web apps, including Magento and Joomla™, which have switched over to InnoDB permanently. For instance, importing enormous data volumes will be faster with InnoDB, as it locks only a single row to perform a particular operation, not the entire table, which makes the engine ideal for scalable applications. InnoDB also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the manner in which the data is tackled. In simpler words, appending new or updating existing data will either be entirely completed, or will be aborted and the procedure will be rolled back in case a given issue appears in the meantime, which means that the content that remains in the database won’t be damaged.
InnoDB in Cloud Website Hosting
Any open-source script-driven software application that needs InnoDB will function impeccably on our leading-edge cloud hosting platform and the MySQL database engine comes with all our
cloud website hosting packages. Every time you create a database manually or our app installer tool creates one automatically and an app installation is started, the engine that the database in question will make use of will be selected in accordance with the app’s requirements without having to change any setting in your hosting account. InnoDB will be picked automatically for any app that requires this specific engine and you’ll be able to take advantage of its full capacity. We’ll make regular content backups, so in case you accidentally delete a MySQL database that you need or you overwrite some part of it, we will be able to restore everything the way it was just several hours ago.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can use a script-driven web application that needs InnoDB with any of our
semi-dedicated server plans, due to the fact that all the accounts are set up on our avant-garde cloud hosting platform where the MySQL storage engine is installed. A new database can be set up in two separate ways – manually through the Database Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, or automatically – in case you make use of our single-click application installer. In either case, the needed engine will be chosen automatically the moment the installation of the application begins, so you won’t have to configure anything manually, irrespective of whether the application requires InnoDB or the more widely used MyISAM. Furthermore, we’ll always be able to retrieve any of your MySQL databases in case you delete one by mistake, as we generate several database backups every day, each of which is preserved for 7 days.
InnoDB in VPS Servers
If you purchase a
VPS server from our company, you’ll be able to take full advantage of our in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel to manage your web content. A Hepsia-equipped Virtual Private Server will allow you to run any PHP-powered web app that requires InnoDB, as this particular storage engine is an integral part of the default software package that will be pre-installed on your server during its configuration. When you set up a new MySQL database using the Control Panel, you’ll just need to begin installing an app – manually or using our application installer tool. InnoDB will be set as the default engine in case the app in question requires it, so you won’t need to do anything else in your VPS account. Similarly, if a certain application requires MyISAM, it will be automatically set as the default engine for this specific database.
InnoDB in Dedicated Servers
If you buy a new
dedicated server, you will be able to select any of the three Control Panels that we’re offering – cPanel, DirectAdmin and Hepsia. Each server ordered with Hepsia comes with InnoDB pre-activated, so you won’t need to install this MySQL storage engine manually so as to be able to use PHP script-based web applications that need it. InnoDB is used by scalable applications and since a dedicated server will give you all the resources that you need in order to manage large-scale Internet sites, it’s quite possible that you will resort to InnoDB. You will be able to use other engines too, so in case a particular app requires MyISAM rather than InnoDB, you won’t have to deal with any obstacle while using it. The engine that will be used will be detected automatically once the app installation process begins, so you won’t have to tweak any setting manually whatsoever.